Friday, September 14, 2012

Blogger WidgetsSo much for love !

In the course of our life we come across many people. We remember some and forget the others. However, we never forget the people who break our hearts. Those who have suffered heartbreaks know that it takes a lot of effort to pick up the shattered pieces.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Blogger WidgetsNever Give Up

When you are knocked down……. 
Don`t give up, stand on your feet. 

Have the courage to act on your dreams.
Leave behind the internal forces that
hold you back. Even if you are 
on the right track, you'll 
get run over if you just sit there.

Accept the risk and then reap the rewards. 
When you discover, it’s your choice 
and your attitude,
things start to happen ! Keep learning! 
You are as young as your last bright idea. 
There is the freedom in 
becoming very good at what we do !